Here are some new things in NetTalk Version 2.12: (1) You can now send a Yellow Sticky Pad. F2 will make a new Sticky Pad and you can then send it to anyone on the Lan by hitting F2 or F10 to save it. The person receiving the Sticky Pad can either delete it or save it in their Sticky Pads - if there is enough room. Only 14 Sticky Pads are possible. The date has also been added next to the time. The purpose of this new feature was to eliminate the need to write a postem note, hike down the hall, and leave it on a person's desk or PC. It has been estimated that this occurs more than 10,000,000 times every business day. It could be more or less but it does happen a lot. This feature could save thousands of trees and hours lost leaving people messages. (2) The Phone Intercom message field has been expanded which allows message takers a lot more space to take long messages such as "the system ordered needs to have a special feature and you need to program it before your ship." We found that NetTalk customers often take long messages and we added more space. In addition, when you sent a Phone Message, a message comes back to the sender letting you know that the message sent is confirmed and is waiting for the recipient to make a selection. (3) If you have new Calls in your Call Log, when you bring up the Main Menu ALT I, you will see that you have new messages. In addition, NETTALK will bleep-bleep every 5 minutes to let you know you have new messages. In addition, we have added a BY: to the Call Log to let you know who processed the call. (4) We refined a myriad of other features too numerous to mention, we hope you will like. Call us anytime if you have other ideas. Tom Cross 303-440-7313 FAX 442-2616